Clifton Rugby Football Club History
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Walter Stuckey Paul

He was born on the 4th November 1849 in Bristol. The son of Charles and Ann Paul. His father was a Banker. He was educated at Clifton College from 1863-1866. Architect and Surveyor, Bristol. Played rugby for Gloucestershire.

Above 13 Hurle Crescent, Clifton, home of W.S.Paul

Back Row (L-R): W.G.Gribble, F.Allen, W.R.Webb, A.S.W.Young, W.S.Paul, F.S.Peck, C.Strachan (Captain), W.F.Bence-Jones, A.H.Allen, A.C.S.Paul, E.Phillips, H.W.Peck. Front Row: F.Morris, H.A.Francis, W.N.Tribe, T.R.Barnes, C.A.Badcocke.

Above first ever photograph of a Clifton RFC team with Walter Stuckey Paul

Back Row (L-R): W.G.Gribble, F.S.Peck, F.Allen, W.R.Webb, A.W.S.Young, W.N.Tribe, H.A.Francis, W.S.Paul, C.Strachan (Captain), W.F.Bence-Jones, F.Morris, T.R.Barnes, C.A.Badcocke, A.H.Allen, H.W.Peck, E.Phillips.

Above another photograph from the same session in 1873.

In 1876 he married Ellen Rebecca Colthurst. She was the daughter of John and Mary Colthurst of Clifton, Bristol. Her father was a Surgeon but retired a landowner and farmer at Chew Court, Chew Magna, Somerset.

Walter Stuckey Paul (1849-1925) became a partner in the Bristol architectural practice of Charles Hansom along with Frederick Bligh Bond (1864-1945) and Thomas Pope. Frederick Bligh Bond is probably most famous for his work at Glastonbury Abbey where he was director of excavations on behalf of Somerset Archaelogical Society during 1908-10. Charles Hansom was a notable Roman Catholic who had worked on the Pro-Cathedral in Bristol in 1846 and went on to design Adelaide Cathedral in Australia in 1856. In total he designed 50 Roman Catholic Churches. He designed Clifton College in 1860.

Above Frederick Bligh Bond. His excavations at Glastonbury were stopped when he admitted he was guided by occult means. In 1922 he was relieved of his archaeological post. He went on to lecture in America and edit the Psychical Research Journal.

Back Row (L-R): E.P.Warren, H.Nash, W.Fairbanks, E.Phillips, W.Strachan, E.J.Taylor, W.S.Paul, W.R.Webb, J.H.Dunn, J.Curtis, M.Curtis, F.Morris, J.G.Thomson. Middle Row: R.E.Bush, C.Strachan, A.C.St.Paul, J.D.Miller. In Front: W.R.Gribble, J.A.Bush.

Above Clifton 1875-76 with Walter Stuckey Paul.

His son Lieutenant Colonel Courtenay Talbot St.Paul played for Clifton and died in World War 1.

He was a Governor and Member of the Council of Clifton College.

Above a drawing of the National Provincial Bank in Horfield by the Architects Walter S. Paul and Richard C. James from The Building News, 24th March 1905.

Walter Stuckey Paul died on the 25th November 1925. In his will he left £22,023 gross, £20,361 net with £400 to Clifton College for an annual Walter S. Paul Leaving Prize of Books and a further £50 to Clifton College for an annual Walter S. Paul Drawing Prize.

His wife Marion Colthurst Paul died on Feb 15th 1940 at 13 Hurle Crescent. She was the daughter of James Godwin of Stoke Bishop. She was buried at St. Alban's Church, Westbury Park.