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John Day Miller


John Day Miller born 18th March 1857. He attended Clifton College from September 1865 to 1874. He joined Clifton RFC in 1874 and went on to be captain for 3 seasons from 1877-80 and the first captain of Gloucestershire.

In 1861 the Miller family lived at 11 Upper Victoria Place, Clifton. They were

Name Relation Age Occupation Where born
John Miller Head 33 Solicitor Poole, Dorset
Sophia J. Miller Wife 30 Manchester, Lanchashire
John Day Miller Son 4 Clifton, Bristol
Emily Trolman Serv 27 Domestic Servant, House Bisley, Glos.
Lucy Graves Serv 18 Domestic Servant, Nurse Minstead, Somerset

In 1871 he boarded at Headmaster House, Clifton College. His family lived not far away at Freshford Villa, Richmond Hill, Clifton and had another son Henry Morley Miller who later attended Clifton College and moved to Liverpool where he became Lord Mayor in 1928-29.

Above John Miller captain of Clifton RFC 1877-78. His first season as captain wearing his Clifton College Black Cap.

At the time of the 1881 census the family were still living at Freshford Villa, Richmond Hill, Clifton. They wre

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Above Freshford Villa, Clifton.

He represented Clifton on the Rugby Union Committee from 1883-86 and the Western Counties on the Rugby Union Committee from 1880-1886.

He became a Solicitor

Above on 14th January 1889 his father, John Miller, donated several copies of Mathew's Directory to Bristol Central Library. Above 1868 copy signed by his father. The 1868 Election refers to the General Election which took place on 10th December 1868. The 1868 UK general election was the first after passage of the Reform Act 1867, which enfranchised many male householders, thus greatly increasing the number of men who could vote in elections in the United Kingdom. Nearly triple the number of votes were cast compared to the previous election. The result saw the Liberals, led by William Gladstone, again increase their large majority over Benjamin Disraeli's Conservatives.

At the time of the 1901 census he was, aged 44, still living with his parents at Freshford Villa.

In 1904, Meade-King & Sons took over the practice of John Miller & Son, which was continued under the separate 'brand name' until 1910.  The firm of John Miller & Son was started in 1850 by John Miller and he and his son, John Day Miller, retired from practice on the take-over in 1904.  The firm was completely merged in 1910 when Isaac Cooke & Sons joined in to form 'Meade-King, Cooke, Wansey and John Miller'.  That mouthful lasted until 1920 when the name was changed to 'Meade-King & Co'. They are based at Queen Square in Bristol. Their website is at

His mother died on 27th Feb., 1909. The Times on March 1st 1909 said

MILLER.-on the 27th Feb., 1909, at Freshford Villa, Richmond-hill, Clifton, in the city of Bristol. SOPHIA IRENE, aged 78 years, the beloved wife of JOHN MILLER, Solicotor, of the same city.

His father died on 2nd Oct 1910. It was announced in the Times on 5th Oct 1910

MILLER. - On Sunday, the 2nd Oct., 1910, at his residence, Freshford Villa, Richmond-hill, Clifton, Bristol, JOHN MILLER, Solicitor, Bristol, aged 83 years.

His father's will in The Times on 22nd Nov 1910 said

Mr. JOHN MILLER, of Freshford Villa, Richmond-hill, Clifton, Bristol, one of the oldest solicitors of Bristol, who died on October 2, aged 83, left estate valued at £58,075 gross, with a net personalty £57,313. He left £100 to the Bristol Royal Infirmary, and £50 each to the Bristol General Hospital, the Bristol Eye Hospital, the Royal Hospital for Sick Children and Women, Bristol, and the Incorporated Law Society, Bristol. 

John Day Miller died on 14th October 1925. The Time on said on Oct 23rd 1925

MILLER.- On 14th Oct., at Freshford Villa, Richmond Hill, Clifton, Bristol, JOHN DAY, eldest son of the late JOHN MILLER, of Clifton, aged 68. 

His will in the Times on 28th November 1925 said

Mr. JOHN DAY MILLER, of Freshford Villa, Richmond Hill, Clifton, Bristol, who died on October 14, left estate of the gross value of £40,036, with the net personalty £39,136. He left:-£500 to the Bristol Royal Infirmary; £500 to the Bristol General Hospital;  £250 to Muller's Orphanage, Ashley Down, Bristol; £150 to the Bristol Eye Hospital; £150 to the Bristol Hospital for Sick Women and Children, St. Michael's Hill, Bristol. £250 to Ellen Kate Coutis, his nurse and housekeeper, if still in his service; £150 to Miss Arabella ("Eliza") Arnold, "for over 50 years in service at Freshford Villa, in consideration of many honourable and faithful duties performed during that time"; £100 to the nurse, Mary Ann Rook, if still in his service; £50 each to his nurses, Emma Dando and Edith Riley, and his cook, Sarah Watkins, if respectively still in his service.