Clifton Rugby Football Club History
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Clifton Rowing Club


In 1963 the Clifton and Redcliffe Rowing Clubs merged to become the Bristol Rowing Club. In 1973 the club then merged again with Avon Rowing club to become Avon County Rowing Club.

Above William Augustus Woodley, First Lieutenant, Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery, of 3,Worcester Terrace, Clifton. Born at Taunton, Somerset, December 14th, 1855; educated at Taunton College School and Clifton College; admitted a solicitor, 1879; practiced at Taunton and Bristol; proprietor of various papers. For three years a member of the 20th Middlesex [Artists] Rifle Volunteers; Eleven years in the Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery; Hon. Secretary to the corps finance committee; three years Captain of the Clifton Rowing Club. He never played for Clifton RFC but his son Fabian Strachan Woodley did (He appears in the Clifton XV of 1913-14)

Above the Clifton Rowing Club during the 1908 Saltford Regatta.

Above Clifton RFC player Harry (James Henry) Savory who rowed for Clifton Rowing Club. He was born on the 25th August 1889. He was educated at Clifton College from 1902 to 1906.

Above his brother Mortimer Savory. He was born on the 2nd July 1896. He was educated at Clifton College from 1908 to 1913. He did not play rugby for Clifton.

Back Row (L-R): J.H.H.Perks, G.M.Lemonius (Secretary), James Henry Savory. Front Row: Robert William Hunton (Bow), James Arnold Arrowsmith-Brown. On Ground: C.H.Gardiner

Above members of Clifton Rowing Club crew that won the Jamaica Cup Junior 4s at the Jamaica Cup Regatta and the Freeman Challenge Cup Maiden 4s at the Saltford Regatta in 1908. Perks, Hunton and Savory played rugby for Clifton Rugby Club.

Above West of England Challenge Vase, 1912 Saltford Regatta. Winner. Clifton Rowing Club. Alfred Gardiner. Str. Frank Ellerton. 2. H.W.Bell. 3. Charles Alfred Leech Harvey. Bow. A.Domminie. Cox. Gardiner, Ellerton and Harvey all played rugby for Clifton.

Above Clifton RFC's Harry (James Henry) Savory (left) with brother Mortimer (right) in 1914. Thanks to Richard Savory for the above photo

Above The Ambrose Vase won by Clifton Rowing Club at the Saltford Regatta on the 20th June 1914. In crew Harry Savory and Leslie Harrington Fry click here

Above Memorial to the Members of Clifton Rowing Club that lost their lives in World War 1. Now in the clubhouse of Avon County Rowing Club at Saltford. All played for Clifton RFC with the exception of H.M.Terry. For more on

Lieutenant Robert Harold Down Died 17th August 1916 click here
Lieutenant Norman Durrant Died 12th March 1916 click here
Captain Philip Arthur Edwards Died 18th March 1916 click here
Lieutenant Leslie Harrington Fry Died 9th August 1918 click here
Major Ernest Gardiner Died 2nd March 1915 click here

2nd Lieutenant Frank Alexander Haycroft


Died 10th August 1917 click here
Captain Percy Trevellyn Rowe Died 30th November 1917 click here

Captain Harold Ewart Rudman


Died 19th July 1916 click here
  2nd Lieutenant Harold Millard Terry He was born on the 27th March 1884 in Bristol. He was the son of H.M.Terry of 6 Elton Road, Clifton, Bristol. He was educated at Charterhouse School and University College, Oxford. Died 28th June 1917. He joined the Royal Engineers. He is commemorated on the Arras Memorial and the St. Paul’s Church, Clifton, along with Frank Haycroft.  


Between the Wars several Clifton RFC players rowed for Clifton. They were

John Henry Savory
Frank Ellerton
Christopher J. Gardiner - the son of Ernest Gardiner wo died in WW1 click here

Clifton players who died in World War 2 and also rowed for Clifton RC were

John Dennett Burrough click here

Robert Sloan click here