Clifton Rugby Football Club History
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Herbert Willis Reginald Gribble


Born at Clifton, Gloucestershire, 23rd December 1860.

The son of H.Gribble, of Clifton, he was educated at Clifton College, where he was a member of the cricket eleven, captain 1878. Between 1878 and 1882 he played in 29 first-class cricket matches, all for Gloucestershire. He also played rugby for his county. He lived at Clifton until about 1888, when he moved to Courthorpe Villas, Wimbledon, and became a member of the London Stock Exchange. In 1925 he was living at Briarwood, Udnet Park, Teddington.
In the 1881 Census he is staying at New Road, Barnstable, Devon, with his unmarried aunts Sarah R. Gribble, aged 52, Hannah S., aged 51 and Alice, aged 42, all born at Barnstable and living on income from houses. Also there is Sarah Gribble aged 51, a sister-in-law (Herbert’s mother?). He is aged 20 and a articled law clerk. There are two domestic servants.
He died at Teddington, Middlesex, on 12th June 1942.