Clifton Rugby Football Club History
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Edward William Ball


Born at Clifton, Bristol, Gloucestershire, 10th February 1859.

He was the son of W.W.Ball, of Clifton, Bristol, a master maltster. He was educated at Clifton College, which he left in December 1872. He played two games for Gloucestershire in 1880 and one in 1881.
The 1881 Census shows him, unmarried, aged 22, living at home at Clyde House, Clifton, with his father William W., a widower aged 65, a master maltster. His brother, Frederick N., a maltsters clerk aged 22, and his sister Edith M., aged 19, are also unmarried. There are three domestic servants. Edward is then an accounts clerk.
According to the Clifton registers Edward remained in business in Bristol until his death. In 1912 he was living in John Street, Bristol.
He died at Tonbridge, Kent, on 31st July 1917.