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Henry Wyndham Goodden


Henry was born on 11th September 1883 in Swindon, Wiltshire, the son of Dr. Wyndham C. Goodden; having moved to Bristol, the family lived at 14 Berkeley Square, Clifton, now the Berkeley Hotel. Henry was educated at Clifton College from 1892 to 1899 and joined Clifton RFC in 1901-02.

The 1891 census lists his father, Wyndham C Goodden - General Medical Practioner, Bristol with his 4 children and Housekeep, Housemaind and Nurse. Wife not living with him. Note: first wife Maude Brodie Goodden is staying at a Midland Hotel, Euston Rd, St Pancras – states she is living on own means His father, Dr Wyndham Charles married a second time in 1899 to Clara Joan Smith (Not sure if there was a divorce or first wife died).The 1901 census lists Wyndham Charles Goodden, Surgeon - says he is married but wife not at home at time. Children are Henry (Student of Medicine) Anne and Mary are living with him along with Cook and Housemaid. Found his second wife Clara – she is visiting a Leonard and Emily Wrightson.Henry Goodden received his medical training at Bristol Royal Infirmary, and in Paris and Vienna. After the outbreak of war he was with the Royal Army Medical Corps, attached to the 2nd Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment and had previously been wounded during the Battle of the Aisne.
Back Row (L-R): A.E.V.Spill, R.L.Dacre, C.D.L.May, C.C.Harrison, J.R.Kay-Mouat, J.P.L.Harty, R.S.S.Statham, C.H.Hart, L.Page. Middle Row: Dr.E.H.E.Stack, S.H.Kingston, Dr.Davis, Lieut.Col.J.Paul Bush, C.M.G., M.Ch., C.Kingston (Capt.), Dr.Walter C. Swayne. On Ground: E.S.Sowerby, G.S.Terry, H.W.Goodden, W.Worger.

Above the Bristol Royal Infirmary rugby XV that played Bristol General Hospital in 1912 with Henry Goodden. Also in the photo is James Paul Bush click here

Above close-up of Goodden from the 1912 Bristol Royal Infirmary side.

The 1891 census lists the Goodden family at 14 Berkeley Square, Clifton, Bristol. Next door at no.15 lived the future Clifton RFC player Frank O. Wills and, his father, the former Clifton player Frank Wills. They were

Name Relation Age Occupation Where born
Wyndham C. Goodden Head 37 General Medical Practitioner Montacute, Somerset
Henry W. Goodden Son 7 Swindon, Wilts
Betty M. Goodden Daug 6 Bristol, Glos.
Anne G. Goodden Daug 3 Bristol, Glos.
Mary K. Goodden Daug 2 Bristol, Glos.
Mary Ann Dando Servant 27 Housekeeper Wedmore, Somerset
Emily Brown Servant 18 Housemaid Didcot, Berks
Matilda J. Adams Servant 20 Nurse Dalkeith, Scotland
John Brooks Servant 38 Coachman Shepton Mallett, Somerset

Above 14 Berkeley Square, Clifton. Now part of the Berkeley Square Hotel and used in the House of Elliot. Next door at 15 is part of the Berkeley Hotel.

Above Lt Henry Gooden in uniform

The Bristol Evening News on May 15th 1915 said

Lieutenant Henry Wyndham Goodden Royal Army Medical Corps

Lieutenant Henry Wyndham Goodden RAMC, who was killed in action near Ypres on May 9th was the eldest son of Mr Wyndham C. Goodden of 23, Warmington Crescent, St. He was born in 1883 and educated at Clifton College, receiving his medical training at Bristol R.I., Paris and Vienna. He was attached to the 2nd Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment and had been previously wounded during the Battle of the Aisne.

Henry is believed to have been killed at the Ypres Salient. His body was never recovered, and he is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial (above).