Clifton Rugby Football Club History
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v South Wales 12th January 1878


played at Newport

South Wales 1 Goal, 1Touch - Clifton 1 Goal, 1Touch.

James Alfred Bevan would joined Clifton the following season and in 1881 become the first captain of Wlaes.

An account of the match appeared in the Cardiff Newspaper , The Western Mail on the 14th January 1878 and said

CLIFTON v. SOUTH WALES.- This match was played on Saturday, on the Newport ground. It was a fine day, and there was a very numerous attendance, Especially of ladies. The Clifton team consisted of Messrs. J.D.Miller ,captain; C.A.Badcock, back; H.L.Evans, three-quarter back; G.G.Prewin, H.W.Ward, N.Thursby, half-backs; W.Strachan, J.Bush, H.A.Wansborough, J.C.Gilmore, C.P.Warren, T.H.Warren, F.S.Peck, T.Jones, J.Curtis, forwards; J.H.Dunn umpire, The South Wales team cosisted of Messrs, T.B.Jones, back; Evans (Rumney), C.H.Newman (Newport), thgree-quarter-backs; J.Morgan, E.C.Fry, half-backs; V.A.Julius, J.Hood, W.Philips (Newport), C.P.Lewis, J.A.Bevan, T.Spittle, C.B.Cross, F.Roche, F.A.Goss, forwards; H.W.Davies umpire. Play lasted an hour and twenty mintes. The match was played vigorously all through. The Clifton men were the best in the scrimmages, being a united club. Each obtained one goal and a touch down, but there was a protest against the goal kicked by the Clifton team. On one side it was said the game was drawn, but on the other it is said the protest was of no use. Probably the best designation would be a tie. At the close of the match arrangements were made for the next tie in relation to the South Wales Challenge Cup, and it was decided that it should be between Swansea or Neath v Llandovery, Newport a bye. It will have to be played on or before the 16th of February.