Clifton Rugby Football Club History
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Andy Thomas


Above Andy Thomas becomes an Oxford Blue playing in the 1979 Varsity final. He had previously attended Colstons and played for Bristol. He later went on to play and coach for Clifton.The programme notes say "A.C.THOMAS (Keble. Centre. Born 1.6.58. in Bristol. 5ft. 10in., 13st. 7lb. Andrew Christopher Thomas was educated at Colston's School, Stapleton, and is now reading jurisprudence. He had a trial for S.W.Schools, he has played for the Greyhounds and he has toured France both with Oxford University and his club, Bristol. It is alleged, though whether by him or an outside agency is open to question, that his other sporting achievements include somnabulism and beverage consumption. It was also encouraging to find the spelling correct for all four words."

Above programme cover and teamsheet for the 1979 Varsity final. Oxford won 9-3.