Clifton Rugby Football Club History |
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This website is the largest Rugby Club History website in the world and has an average of 4,000 unique visitors a month viewing the 500 pages open to the public on the history of one of the oldest rugby clubs in the world. This website is recommended by Rugby Relics, the worlds leading supplier of rugby memorabilia, as one of the best rugby history website on the internet. I quote
"A superb website with an in depth history of this Bristol club. Includes information on the club's players who played international rugby including the first ever Welsh captain James Bevan, Arthur Budd and Peter Young, this site is well worth a look."
From the Cornish Rugby Supporters Club website. I quote
Clifton RFC have what can only be described as an amazing archive of material related to former players / games etc - all online - think it may have been taken from a book. For the more nostalgic & trivia oriented amongst us, the depth and amount of content is amazing. No AMAZING - I've never seen anything as good.
This website forms part of Intute, a database of hand selected Web resources for education and research run by the Universities of Bristol and Birmingham.
Member of The Rugby History Society
Advertising revenue from this site will be used to pay for the expenses of the site as well as buying memorabilia to extend it.
Current 2012 rate is £5 per month with a banner on every page of this website.
To advertise your company or product on this website email Patrick Casey